Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Custer State Park

Yesterday we drove to Hill City and from there into Custer State Park.  The first part of the park was Needles Highway.  There were some amazing spires and tunnels.  We drove through the ‘eye of the needle”.

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The second part of the road was called Wildlife Loop. 

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The last road was called Iron Mountain Road.  This road goes through some more tunnels and some crazy pigtail turns where you go over part and then go right back under it. 

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You can’t see it very good, but that is Mt Rushmore ahead through that tunnel. 

We then went back to Mt Rushmore for the evening lighting ceremony.  Every evening they make a really big deal out of lighting the faces.  It takes an hour or more.  They start with patriotic music playing.  The ranger comes out and talks about every face.  Then they show a movie again about the presidents.  Once that is done, they ask each veteran down on the stage for the lowering of the flag.  Once the flag is down and folded, every person gives his name and branch of service.

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Very long day with a lot of driving.  But we had a great time.  Our time here is growing short.  Only a couple more days.  Any other ideas on what we should not miss? 

1 comment:

  1. You certainly have been able to see a lot and take all those sights in. I can't believe you've missed a thing.
