Sunday, March 2, 2014

Has Little Boo Peep Lost Her Sheep?

Well, we found them!!

We are boondocking at Avi Casino for a couple of days before heading into California to visit family.
This morning Ed, while outside cleaning the car windows, heard something strange coming down the road.  He opened the door and yell for me to grab the camera.
This is what we saw.

Not sure where they were taking them.  But boy were they loud.  They weren’t happy sheep!!!


  1. Oh my goodness. I have never seen so many sheep in one place. What a hoot!

  2. Serendipity strikes again. I was just an hour or so ago reading about John Muir's first trip into the Sierra Mountains when he traveled with a heard of sheep. The I come to read blogs much later than I usually do and here you are watching sheep being herded. What are the odds?

  3. Sheep really can be loud. Especially that many of them. Did they have any dogs helping them herd?

  4. Oh my! I'm glad you did grab your camera. That's even bigger than the occasional burro at Parker! Howe fun!

  5. Linda,
    Sure was fun to see you and most of the family the other evening at the Reeves. Thanks for staying later than you probably wanted so we could visit! Lot of years have gone by, but seems like yesterday you were all across the street and the kids were playing outside. I love your blog. I still don't want to live completely in an RV but would love to travel weeks at a time and see the country. What are you going to do when you've seen everything! Take care and happy trails!! Be safe!
