Monday, May 25, 2009

Dodge City

Yesterday we took the day and went to see Dodge City. They call it the Boot Hill Museum but really it's a replica of Front Street in the late 1800's. The original burnt down. There was a replica of Boot Hill. They called it Boot Hill because they were buried in shallow holes, with their boots on. We found out that the site of this replica town was actually all Boot Hill. When they were building, they had to remove the graves and moved everyone to the regular cemetery. We were told they are still finding some bones when they move something new to the museum.

Because the railroad ran right along Front Street, the cattle drives that began in Texas ended in Dodge City. Wyatt Earp and Bat Masterson were deputies in Dodge City. There really was a Longbranch Saloon and a Miss Kitty but no Matt Dillion, Festus or Doc.

This is a statue of Wyatt Earp.

Here we are having a drink inside the Longbranch Saloon while we were waiting for the Chuckwagon dinner to begin. They did the best beef brisket, fried potatoes and onions, cream corn and cole slaw, biscuits and honey and apple crisp.

After the dinner, they did a gunfight and then there was a show inside the Longbranch. Here's Ed with Miss Kitty.

He's such a ham, we knew we would be picked on if we sat up front. Of course that's where he wanted to be. We had a great time.

Today we washed the motorhome and getting prepared to hit the road tomorrow. Let's hope the weather is okay. They are calling for scattered T-Storms.

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